Events in marraskuu 2023

maanantai tiistai keskiviikko torstai perjantai lauantai sunnuntai
7.11.2023(1 event)

VUL:n hallituksen kokous

18:00 21:00

11.11.2023(1 event)

11.11.2023 Jämi Mini Distance 2023, Jämijärvi



11.11.2023 Jämi Mini Distance 2023, Jämijärvi

Järjestävä seura: L-SVU

Tuomari: Kari Tolkkila

Luokat: Jämi Mini Distance säännöt:

Kilpailussa käytettäviin sääntöihin anottavat muutokset: Sulanmaan Mini Distance erikoiskilpailu, joka ajetaan yhdessä rajoittamattomassa luokassa (DR). Ensimmäisessä lähdössä pitää olla kuitenkin vähintään 4 koiraa, muissa lähdöissä vähintään kolme koiraa. Koirien määrälle ei ole ylärajaa. Kilpailuvälineen paino muodostuu käytetystä koiramäärästä. Jokaisen koiran vedettävä kuorma on vähintään 25 kg. (Esim. 4 koiraa vetää vähintään 100 kg kuormaa, 5 koiraa vähintään 125 kg, 6 koiraa vähintään 150 kg jne.) Ajajan painoa ei lasketa kärryn painoon. Handlerin käyttö sallittu.Handlerin paino lasketaan kärryn painoon. Handleri ei saa auttaa valjakkoa etenemään millään tavalla. Ainoastaan kärryn jarruttaminen on sallittu. Punnituksen jälkeen kärryn painoa ei saa vähentää, vaikka joutuisi jättämään koiria pois valjakosta. Neljällä koiralla ajettaessa käy kolmipyöräinen kärry. Koiramäärän ylittäessä neljä vaaditaan nelipyöräinen kärry. (esim. mönkijä) Kilpailussa ajetaan 7,8 km reitti 4 kertaa 10 h aikana. Ensimmäinen startti väliaikalähtönä,                                       seuraavat kolme kierrosta vapaavalintaisella ajalla. Jo yhden kierroksen ajamalla pääsee tuloslistalle.

20.11.2023(1 event)

20. - 26.11.2023 IFSS:n sulanmaan lajien MM-kilpailu, Ólvega, Espanja

20.11.2023 26.11.2023

IFSS:n sulanmaan lajien MM-kilpailut 2023

Dear all
I know that athletes worldwide have been waiting for this announcement and so have IFSS Council and I.
Today I am very glad to inform that the IFSS Dryland World Championships and World Masters 2023 will take place in Ólvega, Spain. RFEDI, FDICYL and IFSS are now in full agreement of the event.

Date: November 20-26, 2023.
Local organizer: Mushing Ólvega.
More information will be published on the IFSS website as soon as it is available and also the invitation is now being prepared.
I am looking forward to a great event that will gather athletes and their dogs from all over the world to compete on the trails in Ólvega.

Helen Lundberg
IFSS President

Vemhån July 7th, 2023

21.11.2023(1 event)

20. - 26.11.2023 IFSS:n sulanmaan lajien MM-kilpailu, Ólvega, Espanja

20.11.2023 26.11.2023

IFSS:n sulanmaan lajien MM-kilpailut 2023

Dear all
I know that athletes worldwide have been waiting for this announcement and so have IFSS Council and I.
Today I am very glad to inform that the IFSS Dryland World Championships and World Masters 2023 will take place in Ólvega, Spain. RFEDI, FDICYL and IFSS are now in full agreement of the event.

Date: November 20-26, 2023.
Local organizer: Mushing Ólvega.
More information will be published on the IFSS website as soon as it is available and also the invitation is now being prepared.
I am looking forward to a great event that will gather athletes and their dogs from all over the world to compete on the trails in Ólvega.

Helen Lundberg
IFSS President

Vemhån July 7th, 2023

22.11.2023(1 event)

20. - 26.11.2023 IFSS:n sulanmaan lajien MM-kilpailu, Ólvega, Espanja

20.11.2023 26.11.2023

IFSS:n sulanmaan lajien MM-kilpailut 2023

Dear all
I know that athletes worldwide have been waiting for this announcement and so have IFSS Council and I.
Today I am very glad to inform that the IFSS Dryland World Championships and World Masters 2023 will take place in Ólvega, Spain. RFEDI, FDICYL and IFSS are now in full agreement of the event.

Date: November 20-26, 2023.
Local organizer: Mushing Ólvega.
More information will be published on the IFSS website as soon as it is available and also the invitation is now being prepared.
I am looking forward to a great event that will gather athletes and their dogs from all over the world to compete on the trails in Ólvega.

Helen Lundberg
IFSS President

Vemhån July 7th, 2023

23.11.2023(1 event)

20. - 26.11.2023 IFSS:n sulanmaan lajien MM-kilpailu, Ólvega, Espanja

20.11.2023 26.11.2023

IFSS:n sulanmaan lajien MM-kilpailut 2023

Dear all
I know that athletes worldwide have been waiting for this announcement and so have IFSS Council and I.
Today I am very glad to inform that the IFSS Dryland World Championships and World Masters 2023 will take place in Ólvega, Spain. RFEDI, FDICYL and IFSS are now in full agreement of the event.

Date: November 20-26, 2023.
Local organizer: Mushing Ólvega.
More information will be published on the IFSS website as soon as it is available and also the invitation is now being prepared.
I am looking forward to a great event that will gather athletes and their dogs from all over the world to compete on the trails in Ólvega.

Helen Lundberg
IFSS President

Vemhån July 7th, 2023

24.11.2023(1 event)

20. - 26.11.2023 IFSS:n sulanmaan lajien MM-kilpailu, Ólvega, Espanja

20.11.2023 26.11.2023

IFSS:n sulanmaan lajien MM-kilpailut 2023

Dear all
I know that athletes worldwide have been waiting for this announcement and so have IFSS Council and I.
Today I am very glad to inform that the IFSS Dryland World Championships and World Masters 2023 will take place in Ólvega, Spain. RFEDI, FDICYL and IFSS are now in full agreement of the event.

Date: November 20-26, 2023.
Local organizer: Mushing Ólvega.
More information will be published on the IFSS website as soon as it is available and also the invitation is now being prepared.
I am looking forward to a great event that will gather athletes and their dogs from all over the world to compete on the trails in Ólvega.

Helen Lundberg
IFSS President

Vemhån July 7th, 2023

25.11.2023(1 event)

20. - 26.11.2023 IFSS:n sulanmaan lajien MM-kilpailu, Ólvega, Espanja

20.11.2023 26.11.2023

IFSS:n sulanmaan lajien MM-kilpailut 2023

Dear all
I know that athletes worldwide have been waiting for this announcement and so have IFSS Council and I.
Today I am very glad to inform that the IFSS Dryland World Championships and World Masters 2023 will take place in Ólvega, Spain. RFEDI, FDICYL and IFSS are now in full agreement of the event.

Date: November 20-26, 2023.
Local organizer: Mushing Ólvega.
More information will be published on the IFSS website as soon as it is available and also the invitation is now being prepared.
I am looking forward to a great event that will gather athletes and their dogs from all over the world to compete on the trails in Ólvega.

Helen Lundberg
IFSS President

Vemhån July 7th, 2023

26.11.2023(1 event)

20. - 26.11.2023 IFSS:n sulanmaan lajien MM-kilpailu, Ólvega, Espanja

20.11.2023 26.11.2023

IFSS:n sulanmaan lajien MM-kilpailut 2023

Dear all
I know that athletes worldwide have been waiting for this announcement and so have IFSS Council and I.
Today I am very glad to inform that the IFSS Dryland World Championships and World Masters 2023 will take place in Ólvega, Spain. RFEDI, FDICYL and IFSS are now in full agreement of the event.

Date: November 20-26, 2023.
Local organizer: Mushing Ólvega.
More information will be published on the IFSS website as soon as it is available and also the invitation is now being prepared.
I am looking forward to a great event that will gather athletes and their dogs from all over the world to compete on the trails in Ólvega.

Helen Lundberg
IFSS President

Vemhån July 7th, 2023


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